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5 Reasons It’s Time to Upgrade Your Field Lighting to Sportsbeams LED

If you are a facility manager, athletic director or coach you already know how important field lighting is but finding the best quality lights for your budget can be hard. Upgrading field lights is inevitable. Here are five reasons you should consider Sportsbeams Field LED 900.

1. No Glare

Our patented design doesn’t just reduce glare, it eliminates it. This means you’ll have broadcast quality lighting that allows players and spectators to actually see the game, not the glare. With over a decade of LED design experience in the movie industry, we have developed LED lights for sports fields so advanced, they are dark sky friendly. No other LED sports light on the market can compare.

2. Little to No Modification Needed

Our Field LED 900 lighting is specially designed to be installed on your existing poles and associated infrastructure. You’ll save tremendously on the installation costs, and you won’t need to shut down your field for weeks while the old poles are removed and the new poles are installed. In addition, our patented active cooling system reduces our weight fixture by over 40%, maintains constant 70˚C internal temperature, and allows for any mounting angle in more extreme environments.

3. Higher Quality Light

You need less quantity when you have better quality, and this is especially true when it comes to our Field LED 900 lights which deliver a powerful 106,000 lumen beam efficiently and with significant control. In addition, each Field LED 900 is equipped with serious intelligence. It tracks lighting hours, fan speed, heat, output and more. Armed with its own MAC address, each light can be controlled individually or together.

4. Energy Savings

Converting a traditional metal halide light to our advanced LED field lights can save you 66% or more on your energy costs.

5. Little Maintenance

For most facilities that convert to LED, the maintenance costs become insignificant. There are no bulbs or ballasts to replace, and most systems are guaranteed to last for over 150,000 hours or 25 years. Our control systems will even warn you in case of a potential issue, like if a light is consuming an abnormal amount of power or if it is running at too high of a temperature. Operators can then respond proactively, rather than experience a failure during an event.

Interested in learning how your facility can upgrade to Sportsbeams Field LED 900 lights? Contact us to request a quote.


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